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The TEFLology Podcast

Welcome to The TEFLology Podcast 

A Podcast about Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics / @TEFLology /

Sep 13, 2017

Welcome back to The TEFLology Podcast - a podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language and related matters.

Today we are very happy to bring you an interview with Professor Masaki Oda. The interview was conducted at Tamagawa University in Machida, near Tokyo, Japan, where Professor Oda performs two roles. First, he is a Professor of Applied Linguistics in the College of Humanities, where he teaches undergraduate courses in linguistics and post-graduate courses in language teaching. Second, he is the founder and Director of the Center for English as a Lingua Franca, also known as “CELF”, which provides English language education, through an ELF-based approach, for all departments in the university.

Professor Oda’s main interests are English as a Lingua Franca, English language education policies in Japan, and other sociopolitical issues in the world of language teaching and teacher training. He has written a number of publications on these topics, as well as presenting about them at conferences around the world. He is also director of academic exchanges of JACET (the Japanese association of college English teachers) and vice president for membership of Asia TEFL.

Matthew spoke with him during a lunch break at the 2017 CELF-ELTama Forum for English Language Teaching

Enjoy the interview.